Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some cheats for COD4

hi there gamers,
here is some cheat codes for cod4 just try it out if can't wait to get it over...

Cheat Codes

Enable the console at the options menu. Then, press ~ to display the console window. Type seta thereisacow "1337" and press [Enter]. Then while playing the game, press ~ to display the console window, and type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Open the cfg file with a text editor and change the "seta monkeytoy" value from "1" to "0" if needed.

Result Cheat Code
God modegod
God mode but screen still shakesdemigod
No clipping modenoclip
Flight modeufo
All weaponsgive all
Full ammunitiongive ammo
Add laser sight to all weaponscg_LaserForceOn 1
Enemies ignore younotarget
Change mapsmap or spdevmap [name]
Spawn indicated itemgive [item name]
Set gravity; default is "39"jump_height [number]
Set speed; default is "1.00"timescale [number]
Remove gun graphicscg_drawGun
Zoom with any gun cg_fov
Better vision r_fullbright

Saturday, May 10, 2008

WHATS NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Game freaks...Its boom time for gamers...lots of games released..Watch out...

GEARS OF WAR 2 comparison of wars...its a cool game better than the previous one.

METAL GEAR Retrospective...a nice game play and graphics

RAINBOW SIX:Vegas 2 ...Awesome game play..

It's arguably the biggest game of the year and we know all about it. Check here often for all the latest updates and media for the highly-anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV!

SUDDEN STRIKE 3:The Sudden Strike series has always managed to stand out in the crowded pack of World War II-themed real-time strategy games.

METAL GEAR Retrospective...a nice game play and graphics

More updates on latest games...and game programming shortly.....just wait and watch

Sunday, May 4, 2008


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